Back to my blogger after 6years.. Had been so busy with the work life, and writing a blog seems already out of my daily routine since long time ago.. What that makes me busy for the past 6years? I guess only my job as an "IT Service Desk", providing technical support & guidance to users.. Do I like my job? Sometimes yes (but really rare).. Why? Because as an IT support, i am overwhelming with "user's problem" (xN times), everyday.. Especially when you got fussy/ troublesome user, that confused people & confused themselves.. But from the good point, I like helping people. Sometimes user are really desperate in the issue faced, and IT support just have to do some magic & the problem would be gone. What my team/ I support? Basically i think I support everything.. I do think that my job is the hardest among all the Service Desk in the world. Because we are company internal IT, we basically have to know everything/ each services in our company (which
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Its been a long time since my last blog update. Now, I has been working for about 6months in my current job. However, I still feeling insecure of my future. Current job is just about troubleshooting and communicating skills. Can't denied that during this working period, my communication skill with others is been improved. My Mandarin and English conversing are more powerful now. More over, my troubleshooting skill on computer issue has become more alerting also. But out of all these, I still seem like skill-less. In IT field, I still feel I am over lacking from others. Can I still be considered as an IT person? Since working, I knew that everyone owns their own values. When you go interview, peoples would start to penalise you from your study background, working background, known skills and etc. Feel so envy, when seeing other resume with lots of real experience in field. Major language like Java, VB and etc. I am zero knowledge in all that. Learnt
unemployed... T^T
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being an unemployed person is tortureful.. more thn 3weeks sitting at home.. no entertain.. applied job since i back hometown.. threw lots of resume upon.. but until now reply.. evydy sitting at home observing my phone.. wondering did it fully charged..wondering if it spoil..wondering when hiring company wud called me.. thr are sum companies tat ady called.. but they are frm those job agency.. offering job not related to my major.. sumtim i think..better i juz accept d offer.. but at last i didnt.. coz i wanna find a job tat related to network which is my field.. i hope to enter a company tat i cn learn more in tat field n bcum a better professional. evydy wake up->candycrushing->drama->cooking->guarding my house->sleep tat is my routine for evydy.. i wan a better life.. but a better life nid money to reach.. rmmbred a story in my mind.. "chow yun fatt teached andy lau: if u wan gt a rolex watch..earn it urself; no one g
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以前在中学时期,我身边大多都是马来朋友。 他们都对我一视同仁,一直都把我当成他们的一分子… 想当年大家一起读书拼成绩,回想起来我都感到开心~ 之后进入高六… 原本以为会有很多华人朋友,但却遭排斥… 可能是因为当时不知道如何跟别人打交道吧~ 不过,还好当时有妈妈的支持我才能熬得过那段黑暗时期。 曾经试过一整天在学校,嘴却没打开过说话… 然而,当时还是有学长团里的几个学弟学妹们的支持陪伴… 不管我做什么,他们都会我撑腰…还是觉得安慰~ 之后参与国民服务,认识了一个来至森美兰州的好友… 但之后因为结束国民服务,我们的友谊也慢慢变淡了。 在大学里最觉得开心的事就是认识了一班朋友… 我跟她们有了不少美好回忆~ 四年在这儿,好在有她们的陪伴…我的大学生涯在不会那么纳闷~ 再过两天,考完试后…大家都会各自忙碌… 接下来应该会很少联络了~ 不舍…难过… 但,虽然如此我们还是得分开… 谢谢你们的陪伴~ 毕业后,只希望还会保持联络… 偶尔慰问关心彼此一下…… 希望这小小的愿望能够达成……真希望… 希望彼此的友谊不只是四年,而是四十年…八十年…呵呵~~~ 还有一个特别好友…此刻也不忘了提提她…酷酷小姐Ms BH…^^ 她也是和我在大学很要好的人~ 特爱这张照…可爱 :) posted by alice seng 20130619 12.16am
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ieee exhibition 没了… 1day trip 也没了… 剩下的只有final exam 1科和fyp hardcover… 在这里剩下的6天我要好好利用。 并且要在这几天内找工… 朋友说对毕业有多高的期待就对工作有多恐惧; 无疑,这是对的…我深深的体会到了。 害怕,迷茫,担心,忧愁…统统都有… 怎么办?! 将来的我会是怎么样的呢? 成功还是失败? 人就是爱担心… 不过,担心也没用啊…事情不会因为你一个人的担心而改变。 因此,我要改变的是自己…哈哈~ 但说来容易实现难… 常常都会有这种想法。 心里想的跟实行的往往都是两码子的事~ 讨厌自己的优柔寡断,讨厌自己的无能…… 就只能希望 “明天会更好”……希望………… posted by 20130614 9.00am
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山穷水尽… 山穷水尽… 山穷水尽… 我真的到了这个地步吗? 算是…但也算不是啦~ 今早起来要买菜,但因有些钱还压在某些朋友那里… 而且向妈妈要的求助也还没到… 所以导致本人没现钱去买东西… 之后我就和同房室友借先… 她果然二话不说就借了我一些… 然而,她好像看透了我的心…她看到了我没钱在身上的焦虑… 她就告诉我,如果我真的不够钱用的话…她能先借我一些,等我做工有钱赚了才还她。 我深深被她感动到了…… 我实在没办法跟别人借钱… 虽然之前也有个朋友曾经开口想要借我钱… 不过,我还是拒绝了~ 我不想友情是建立在金钱上,更不想欠人家人情… 所谓的,金钱债易偿人情债难还啊~ 不过,我还是很感激她们的关心和在乎…… 我觉的交了像她们这样的朋友是没有白交的…哈哈~ 在大学里非常开心认识到一班好姐妹… 其中有些都是我的同班同学和室友。 所以很长时间都要面对她们… 曾经有厌倦过… 不过,最近对她们…的爱越变越深了… 但是……就快要毕业了… 大家都会各分东西,不再一起了… 非常舍不得…… posted by 20130613 5.15pm